This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 3 [Fri, Aug 20th] - Summary

This URL will be needed during lecture activities:

We start tutorials this week. The tutorial time table is on the module website.


  • [W3.1] OOP: Classes and Objects

  • [W3.2] Java: Objects

  • [W3.3] Java: Classes

  • [W3.4] OOP, Java: Class-Level Members

  • [W3.5] Java: Useful Classes

  • [W3.6] Code Quality: Naming

  • [W3.7] RCS: Using History

  • [W3.8] RCS: Pull, Push

Full ToC


  1. Submit coding exercises via Coursemology midnight before tutorial counted for participation
  2. [CS2113 students only] Form teams during the tutorial


  1. Do any leftover iP tasks from the previous week
  2. Add Increments (+ commit, tag, push): Level-1, Level-2, Level-3, A-CodingStandard


  1. Set up a project meeting time by the end of the tutorial