This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 5 [Fri, Sep 3rd] - Summary


  • [W5.1] Java: Casting

  • [W5.2] OOP + Java: Abstract Classes

  • [W5.3] OOP + Java: Interfaces

  • [W5.4] Java: Packages

  • [W5.5] Java: Access Modifiers

  • [W5.6] Error Handling: Exceptions

  • [W5.7] Specifying Requirements [quick peek ahead]

  • [W5.8] RCS: Branching

Full ToC


  1. Submit coding exercises via Coursemology counted for participation
  2. Practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES Wed, Sep 8th 2359


  1. Learn from others (optional)
  2. Add Increment as a branch: Level-5
  3. Add Increment: A-Packages


  1. Brainstorm user stories before the tutorial
  2. Choose user stories for v1.0 during the tutorial