This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 4 [Fri, Aug 27th] - Project


  1. Create a PR to the upstream repo Mon, Aug 30th 2359
  2. Add Increments: Level-4, A-TextUiTesting, A-CodeQuality
  3. Get ready to review PRs before the tutorial
  4. Review some peer PRs during the tutorial counted for participation


  1. Start weekly project meetings
  2. Start a collaborative doc to take project notes before the tutorial
  3. Decide on an overall project direction (user profile, problem addressed) before the tutorial


1 Create a PR to the upstream repo Mon, Aug 30th 2359

  • Create a pull request (PR) from your fork to the upstream repo. Note the following:
    • Create the PR from the master branch of your fork to the master branch of the upstream repo (
    • Set the PR name as [{Your name}] iP e.g., [John Doe] iP If you are reluctant to give full name, you may give the first half of your name only.
      You may leave the description as empty.
    • If you created the PR correctly, it should appear in the list of PRs here.
    • Steps for creating a PR is given in this textbook topic (steps 5 onwards):

The PR will update automatically to reflect your latest code every time you push code to your fork. As a result, it provides a convenient way for us to access the current state of all your iP code from one location.

2 Add Increments: Level-4, A-TextUiTesting, A-CodeQuality

Duke Level-4: ToDo, Event, Deadline

Duke A-TextUiTesting: Automated Text UI Testing optional

Duke A-CodeQuality: Improve Code Quality

3 Get ready to review PRs before the tutorial

  • Do the following to prepare for the PR review exercise you will be doing in the coming tutorial.
    • Learn how to review PRs:

4 Review some peer PRs during the tutorial counted for participation

This task is worth 2x2=4 participtaion points.

  • Learn how you should review PRs in this task:

  • Step 1 Note these additional guidelines:

    • Read the Best practices for reviewing PRs @SE-EDU/guides. You are expected to follow all of them.
    • If the PR has received some review comments already, feel free to confirm/complement/question those comments in your review. Also, look for things the previous reviewers may have missed.
    • At the end of the review, choose Comment (i.e., not Approve or Request changes)
  • Step 2 Do the first PR review as follows.

    • Comment on coding standard violations only.
    • The review allocation is given in the panel below.

If the student you have been allocated to review has not created a PR (or the PR has a trivial amount of code), you can review the Backup PR to review provided in the allocation table. Failing both, review another PR allocated to another student in your own tutorial but not in your team.

Tip for future reference: GitHub allows you to filter PRs/Issues using various criteria such as author:AuthorUsername (example -- see the filters text box in the target page).

Alternatively, you can use PR labels (if any) to filter PRs/Issues.

FAQ: How many comments should I add? Answer: Depends on the code being reviewed but we expect most PRs would warrant at least 4-5 comments. If the PR is huge, you can stop when you think you've put in a fair amount of time on the job (~15 minutes) and added enough comments for the PR author to receive some value.

  • Step 3 Do the second PR review as follows.
    • Comment on other code quality guidelines (see the sections on Naming and Readability in this textbook chapter) you have learned so far. It's optional to comment on coding standard violations in this PR review.
    • The review allocation is given in the panel below.

If the allocated PR is not suitable, use the same strategy as before to find an alternative PR to review.

  • Step 4 [When you receive reviews for your own PR] Respond to comments received. You are recommended to (but not obliged to) respond to comments received from peers, especially if the PR reviewer asked you for more info. As mentioned in these guidelines, do not get into arguments with PR reviewers/authors.

tP: Set direction

Timely completion of the weekly tP tasks can improve the project management component of your tP grade.

1 Start weekly project meetings

  • We recommend you start weekly project meetings now. You can use the meeting to do tP tasks, but also help each other do iP tasks. On a related note, it is also acceptable to discuss weekly post-lecture quiz (if any) together with team members as you do the quiz i.e., discuss and decide the answer collectively, but you should not give away your answers to someone who was not part of that discussion.

2 Start a collaborative doc to take project notes before the tutorial

  • Keep project notes in easy-to-use collaborative docs (Recommended: use a GoogleDoc). This document will be checked by the instructors at various points.
    Remember to choose a tool that allow public view access e.g., GoogleDoc can be shared via a public link so that the document can be viewed by others. You'll be asked to submit this link to us in the next week.
    Make sure all you current and future project notes (if split into in multiple documents) are reachable via links given in this document and are viewable by the public.

3 Decide on an overall project direction (user profile, problem addressed) before the tutorial

  • Decide project direction, target user profile, and problem addressed: Use your first project meeting to discuss with your team members and decide your project direction, target user profile, and the value proposition of the product, as described in the panels below:

As we are still at the early stages of identifying a problem to solve, do not think of the product (i.e., the solution) yet. That is, do not discuss the product features, UI, command format, and implementation details, etc. unless they are pertinent to the decision of the project direction.

  • Submission: Submit your product name, target user profile, the value proposition, and the public link to your collaborative project notes via TEAMMATES. You'll receive an email from TEAMMATES with the submission link. Only one member needs to submit on behalf of the team. All members can view/update the submission.