This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

iP: Week 7iP: Grading

iP: Week 8

  1. Evaluate two peer iPs before next week lecture counted for participation

1 Evaluate two peer iPs before next week lecture counted for participation

This activity is worth 2x2=4 participation points.

  1. The allocation will be in the LumiNUS gradebook, by Monday 2359.
  2. Download the latest JAR file of the first iP by following the link provided.
  3. Locate the User Guide of the app by following the link provided.
  4. Open the LumiNUS survey (the one named iP Peer Evaluation 1) that you will be using to submit your evaluation and take note of the things you need to evaluate.
  5. Do a light testing of the app (not more than 10 minutes) to ensure the claimed features actually exist.
    Make sure you are using Java 11 to run the jar file (use java -version command to confirm).
    If double-clicking the jar file doesn't work, use the java -jar {file_name} command to open it.
  6. Do a quick examination of the code (~ 5 minutes) by following the provided link.
  7. Submit your evaluation using the survey.
  8. Repeat the above steps for the 2nd iP allocated to you (use the survey iP Peer Evaluation 2).

iP: Week 7iP: Grading