This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

tP: ConstraintstP week 3: Kickoff

tP: Forming Teams

[Picture: The team that was at the top of early Google]

When to form teams

  • CS2113T: Your team will be formed by the CS2101 side.
  • CS2113: Team forming will be done at the start of the week 3 tutorial. If you are not there at the team forming time and others in the class are unaware which team you wanted to be in, we'll have to put you into a team randomly.

Team size

  • The default team size is five.

Team composition

  • We allow some freedom in choosing team members, subject to these constraints:

    • All team members should be in the same tutorial. Delay forming teams until your place in a tutorial is confirmed. We do not allow changing tutorials to team up with your preferred team mates.
    • Teams of single nationality are not allowed unless the only language common among all team members is English. e.g. an all-Singaporean team that include both Chinese and Malay students. Rationale: to train you to work in multicultural teams, to ensure that English is used for all project communication
    • No more than one exchange students per team Rationale: to increase interaction between exchange students and NUS students.
    • Same gender teams are discouraged but allowed. Rationale: to train you for mixed-gender work environments.
  • If you prefer not to form teams yourselves, not to worry; we'll put you in a team.

  • We may modify teams when circumstances call for it. There is no avenue for you to object. Staying with your preferred team is not guaranteed.

Team ID

  • To be given to you after forming teams.

  • Has the form TUTORIAL_ID-TEAM_NUMBER e.g, CS2113-W14-2 means you are in tutorial CS2113-W14 (i.e., in module CS2113, on Wednesday, at 1400-1500), team 2.

Team Communications

  • Use English for all team communications, both spoken and written.

  • We recommend at least one 1-2 hour synchronous online project meeting per week, in addition to any asynchronous communicating. Reason: Having all members available at the same time will facilitate easier collaboration and more peer-learning.

    • Fix a weekly 1-2 hour time slot and a venue for project meetings after the team has been finalized (latest by the end of week 3 tutorial). All members are expected to attend weekly project meetings (not doing so could lower the peer evaluation ratings you receive, which in turn will be factored into your grade).
    • The best time for the weekly project meeting is the period Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday i.e., soon after the lecture but well ahead of the deadline for weekly tasks. Reason: After the lecture → you'll have the knowledge required for upcoming project tasks; before the deadline → you can use the meeting to deal with weekly project tasks.

tP: ConstraintstP week 3: Kickoff