This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

tP week 5: Gather requirementstP week 7: Get ready for iterations

tP week 6: Conceptualize the product

  1. Conceptualize v1.0
  2. Draft the UG midnight before the tutorial
  3. Refine the product design

1 Conceptualize v1.0

  • Based on your user stories selected previously, conceptualize the product in terms of how it will look like at v1.0 in the form of a feature list.
    Note down the feature list in your online project notes document.

2 Draft the UG midnight before the tutorial

  • Draft a user guide in a convenient medium (e.g., a GoogleDoc) to describe what the product would be like when it is at v1.0.
    • We recommend that you follow the AB3 User Guide in terms of structure and format.
    • As this is a very rough draft and the final version will be in a different format altogether (i.e., in Markdown format), don't waste time in formatting, copy editing etc. It is fine as long as the tutor can get a rough idea of the features from this draft. You can also do just the 'Features' section and omit the other parts.
    • Do try to come up with concrete command syntax for the CLI commands that you will deliver at v1.0.
    • Include only features that will be delivered in v1.0.
    • Consider including examples of expected outputs too.
    • Submission [one person per team]: Save the draft UG as a PDF file, name it {team-id}.pdf e.g., CS2113-T09-2.pdf, and upload to LumiNUS.

Recommended: Divide i.e., work related to the User Guide and the Developer Guidedocumentation work among team members equally; preferably based on enhancements/features each person would be adding e.g., If you are the person planing to add a feature X, you should be the person to describe the feature X in the User Guide and in the Developer Guide.

Reason: In the final project evaluation your documentation skills will be graded based on sections of the User/Developer Guide you have written.

3 Refine the product design

  • Review the UG to ensure the features written by each member fit together to form a cohesive product. Note that cohesiveness of the product can affect the grading of the product design aspect.

tP week 5: Gather requirementstP week 7: Get ready for iterations