This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

tP week 7: Get ready for iterationstP week 9: v1.0

tP week 8: mid-v1.0

  1. Ensure you know tP expectations
  2. Start implementing v1.0
  3. Use GitHub to manage milestones
  4. Add some JUnit Tests

1 Ensure you know tP expectations

  • If you haven't done so already, make sure you know individual and team expectations of the tP

2 Start implementing v1.0

You may i.e., copy-paste, not clone/forkre-purpose/adopt code from any of the below to be used in your tP, provided you give credit to the source (and do not claim such code as yours).

  • The iP code of any of your team members, or of any other person in the module.
  • Code from AddressBook-Level2 or any code used in module activities e.g., personbook
  • Start implementing v1.0, by adding code in small steps, while working in parallel, aiming to produce a VERY simple working version after one week, and a bit more functional version at the end of iteration (i.e., after two weeks).

  • See the panel below for our recommendations on the project workflow.

3 Use GitHub to manage milestones

  • We recommend using the GitHub issue tracker and its milestones feature to manage your project milestones, as explained in the following panels.

4 Add some JUnit Tests

tP week 7: Get ready for iterationstP week 9: v1.0